Thursday, January 27, 2011

Getting Eichmann

Today on, there is an article that recounts the Israeli Mossad operation to kidnap and bring to justice Adolf Eichmann, the man considered to be the architect of the Holocaust.  In an interview recounting the adventure, Rafi Eitan muses that everything in the brilliantly simple plan had to go exactly right, lest the plan be discovered and the Mossad team be arrested and Eichmann be allowed to escape justice for his part in the killing of six million Jews.

Fortunately for him and the rest of the world, the plan went off without a hitch.  Eichmann was captured in 1960 and convicted for his part in the Holocaust in December of 1961.  He was sentenced to death by hanging by a panel of three Israeli judges.

He is recounting his story as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the day that Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated from Nazi rule.

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