A recent study has indicated that four in 10 Americans believe that humans were created by God about 10,000 years ago. Still others believe God guided our evolution over millions of years. It is mostly Republicans that hold some level of creationist views, and mostly creationists that attend church. This makes sense.
I think as Americans, the idea that we were created by some higher power is inherent in our country's creation. Think about our Declaration of Independence. "[W]e are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights...." From one of the founding documents of our country, we acknowledged the idea that some higher power was involved in creating us and giving us rights. That's big. Really big. As a christian and history teacher/scientist, I think that we need to look at both sides of the argument. I don't abide by the whole strict seven days thing that is floating around. I take a more pragmatic view; the view that each of God's "days" was actually millions of years.
I urge you, my readers to think about this and your own ideas as you move through this holiday season. Think about the facts and listen to your heart.
Just something to think about.
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