Wow. Leave it to someone like Steny Hoyer (D-MD) to make a remark that essentially invalidates the history of the entire political movement of the country. This country was built upon civil disobedience. The whole nature of the evolution of political parties anywhere is the idea that the person or people running the show aren't doing a good job, and you think yourself and people who think like you would do a better job. So, in keeping with the fine tradition of your predecessors, you and people that think like you get together and form a political party. This is what happened with the formation of the Libertarian Party in 1971.
Today, we have the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party. This group of people, who basically said "enough is enough" when it comes to the ever-expanding government, and the ever-expanding idea of high taxes. They got together in little grass-roots organizations and began to protest the growth of government and the raising of our taxes to support a bloated and dysfunctional government. As the idea of the movement grew, the individual groups thought to get together and form a national organization. They had a convention, several successful protests, and, as evidenced by the November elections, helped elect several members of Congress. Having Sarah Palin hasn't hurt, either. The TEA Party, while not an official political party, has shown itself to wield incredible power, considering it is an organization built on the odd idea that Americans should keep the money that they earn. It is also amazing that they have managed to become this powerful in just under two years.
These facts, then, totally escape the liberal Democrat Hoyer, who eschews all things even remotely conservative. In a Fox Nation editorial, Hoyer is quoted as saying that the TEA Party is "poisonous" to America. Nice. Maybe Hoyer needs to review not only the proud history of America, but the history of his own party. American history is peppered with stories of third parties, the devolution of certain political parties, and the evolution of others. He doesn't seem to have ever thought of the Progressive Party, led by Theodore Roosevelt as "poisonous." Perhaps Hoyer's disdain is reserved for those parties that do not share his own brand of liberal, tax-and-spend politics.
We as Americans have forgotten our proud history and what we stand for. Some of our leaders view the Constitution as an old, outdated piece of paper with no real relevance in today's world. The president and Congress seem to take delight in treading on this most sacred document in our history, "interpreting" it however they see fit in order to justify their agendas. Both parties are equally as guilty of this. What we need to do is to sit down and actually read the Constitution. Re-learn what it has to say, and re-discover our true American values.
In conclusion, Steny Hoyer is an idiot who is shooting his mouth off, and basically dismissing a large, loud group of people that want nothing more than for government to live within its means, get its fiscal house in order, and start giving rights back to the people instead of stealing them like a thief in the night.
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