Last year, around Christmas, a little girl named Sarah Foxwell disappeared from the city of Salisbury, MD. People from all over the city and county turned out to look for her. Unfortunately, she was found dead on Christmas Day. She was being raised by her aunt, as her mother was "absent," and that is being very kind.
This year is going to be very hard on the aunt and Sarah's siblings, and it is unfortunate that some unscrupulous people are attempting to trade off of the Foxwell tragedy by holding dubious fundraisers that allegedly will have the proceeds going to a scholarship fund in Sarah's name. Joe Albero, a local Salisbury-area blogger is trying to spearhead a toy drive for the children in the family. This is an admirable thing to do. Now, here's where the story gets interesting. The Anti-Albero people want to lambast him for exposing the dubious group and for spearheading the toy drive for the kids. How pathetic and crappy can one nasty group of people be? They want to complain about the fact that this person is taking credit for doing something positive, and yet they won't step forward and do anything that would make the Christmas of these kids a little better. These nasty people are truly the dregs of society, and need to quit their complaining and do something positive. They claim that they want to rid Salisbury of the "scourage of Albero." If they want to do that, the best thing that they can do is step in and do all the positive stuff that Joe does in order to take away Joe's ability to do and take credit for these positive actions. However, this will never happen. Anti-Albero people simply want to sit back behind their computer screens and complain about the good one person is trying to do, instead of stepping up and "stealing his thunder." I challenge Dr. Delusional and all the other Anti-Albero people to do something, instead of complaining and doing nothing to improve the situation. Whining from a computer keyboard is not accomplishing your goal. Getting out and doing would.
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